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Feature Request: Posts hidden for moderation listed as pending approval in topic and all posts lists

Posted Nov 22, 2021

Currently, community moderators can "approve pending content." For example, if a moderator hides a comment for moderation, that comment displays in the list of comments with a "pending approval" badge. It is hidden from view to everyone except those in the moderation group, and so any moderator can come along and approve that comment. It also displays in the moderation queue for Guide Admins to take action on. However, once a post is hidden for moderation, it is hidden from everyone's view within the community, including moderators, and no longer displays in the topic list or all posts list. The post only displays in the moderation queue which can only be accessed by Guide Admins. Weirdly, the post can be approved by moderators still, as long as the direct link to the post is provided to the moderators by Guide Admins - which is not a natural workflow like with comments: At that rate the Guide Admin might as well do the approving themselves since it's a waste of time sending some form of communication outside of Zendesk to a moderator just to say "hey here's the link to this post, please approve it." According to Zendesk engineers this is apparently expected behavior, and I was told I needed to make this a feature request.

I would like to request that all content approval works the same way. Similar to comments, I would expect posts hidden for moderation to display (for moderators only) in the topic list and all posts list with the "pending approval" badge. Without this feature, "content approval" for moderators is really just "comment approval" since moderators can't naturally take action on posts.



1 comment

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Kasper Sørensen

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Brianne Reinhardt

Thank you for raising this in the feedback topic. And I do agree - what you're describing would be nicer! We are balancing the priorities of other improvements at the moment, but will keep this in mind.


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