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Undo changes to flowbuilder
Posted Nov 25, 2021
Is there any way to undo changes made in flowbuilder that were automatically saved? Like reset to last published version?
Thanks in advance for your replies.
Dave Dyson
There are undo and redo buttons in the Flow Builder interface:
Once you Publish a change to a flow, the undo button will be enabled, and if you undo a change, the redo button will then be enabled. But undo and redo are only available for the current session – once you leave Flow Builder, you won't be able to go back and undo changes from a previous session.
Joshua Selser
In my experience in the last week or two:
While all the various suggestions here in this thread and in Zendesk Support sessions are useful and tangent (related) to what's being asked, there are times when you actually need to revert to what's published.
Answering other things that are "close" doesn't answer the need at hand.
The good news is that this ask would be hugely helpful to those who need it and should be insanely easy to implement. :)