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how does the Interactions bar work?
Posted Nov 29, 2021
title says it all really, when does zendesk decide to not show a ticket on the Interactions bar while viewing a ticket. me and my team were taught all Interactions would be there which is clearly not true.
Is it based on the age of the ticket? How old does the ticket need to be to be removed from the Interactions bar while viewing a ticket?
Sini Juntunen (EMEA partner)
We are also interested to hear what is the logic behind this feature. For some end-users the bar shows nothing, and for some end-users it shows only 1 or 2 tickets. All those end-users have more than five tickets, and I would assume all five would show in the Interactions bar?
The interaction bar/ history shows the list of recent tickets submitted by the requester but archived tickets are excluded. Archived tickets are tickets that have been marked as Closed for 120 days. Check the following articles to know more:
Hope this helps!