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Run a report on "tickets submitted with checkbox ticked"
Posted Nov 30, 2021
Some tickets are escalated using a checkbox in our ticket fields.
I would like to run a report where I can see for each month, how many tickets were updated, that initially did NOT have the checkbox ticked, but were submitted WITH the checkbox ticked.
This needs to be deduplicated, i.e. a ticket that was submitted now with the checkbox ticked, and updated again 10x that month while having the checkbox still on, should only be counted as 1.
Could somebody help me how to set this up in Explore?
1 comment
Gab Guinto
Hi Niels,
You can build a custom metric using a similar approach as discussed in this recipe: Recording the time when a checkbox was checked.
Your custom metric formula should look something like this:
Note that this must be built using the Ticket updates dataset.
This metric should count the number of updates where your checkbox was ticked; this will return 1 count for every unique ticket.