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Group routing


Posted Dec 01, 2021

Post Title: 

Single group routing 

Feature Request Summary: 

Allowing agents to be part of multiple groups for ticket purposes but only one group for voice purposes.

Description/Use Cases: 

If an agent is part of "sales", "internal support" and "contact centre" can I keep them in all of these groups but only have calls from "internal support" routed to them? 

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

This is a part of the supervisors role and they need to be available for tickets in all groups to handle them and for the tickets to then be assigned back to them. However we do not want them to recieve calls throughb any group apart from internal support. 

Other necessary information or resources:




Thanks Josef!


Has there been any movement on this?


Hi Katie, not that I'm aware of.


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Neil Weldon

Zendesk Product Manager

JOSEFA, Katie Meek

Routing calls to specific groups while agents are in multiple groups is already a feature of Talk. Please see the Routing incoming calls to groups of agents documentation





Neil Weldon my specific use case is that I need my agents to be in multiple groups to handle SMS and email communication but I only want them to receive phone calls for one group.

Josef's situation above is quite similar to mine.  My understanding of the documentation you referenced is more of an overflow feature in that if the first group is not available it will rollover to the next group able to handle that type of call.


I stand corrected -- thanks, Neil!


Neil Weldon I would agree with Katie here. The information you're referring to in relation to the routing we already have set up. What I would like is for my supervisors to be able to stay online for calls and only receive them for the specific group being "internal support". Simultaneously I want them to be able to be in other other groups without getting calls routed from these groups. 


Specifically it would look like this;

Call and ticket routing for

- Internal support

Ticket only routing for

- Sales

- Contact Centre


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Neil Weldon

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for the followup and sorry I misunderstood the request. If I understand it correctly you want calls sent to all of the 3 groups in the example, however Supervisors to only be online for the 'Internal Support' Group ? This would require us to be able to allow an agent manage their status on a per group level. eg for tickets - online Sales, online Contact Center, online Internal Support  and for calls offline Sales, offline Contact Center, online Internal Support.  This is not something we have specifically planned but we have a lot coming in this area over the next number of quarters. 

We are working on unified agent states allowing better state management for agents across all of the channels as well as allowing for the creation of custom states. More about this will come later this Q as we look to have it enter early access.  Coupled with this we will be supporting direct assignment of email tickets as an additional option to using views and finally as part of this project we will be creating tickets for calls as the call comes in allowing for you to run triggers on the tickets to impact the routing based on assignment group and ticket priority. We will also be adding skills based routing across all channels.  I could envisage a solution being a skill that is being used to route the call within the group which will only offer the call to the supervisor with the specific group. However this is all what is coming. 

In the meantime what about having the following groups ? Sales, Contact Center and Internal Support and Sales-Voice, Contact Center-Voice. The Supervisor is in all except the Sale-Voice, Contact-Center- Voice and they, along with Internal Support are what are used for the Call routing.


Thank you for the follow up.

I am thinking additional groups is likely going to be my best option.  However, my need hinges on SMS.

Agent A - Phx phones, Phx Text, Tucson Text

Agent B - Phx Text, Tucson Text, Tucson phones.


Because we have a phone call need through the voice product for both groups and an SMS need through the voice channel for both groups, I am struggling to understand the voice routing to achieve the desired result.


Thank you for the update Neil. Sounds like a lot of useful changes are coming up which will be great. I will try making some additional changes and create some new groups for the time being. 




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