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Cascading of customer organization assignment to old tickets

Posted Dec 01, 2021

In the case that some tickets were assigned to a requester that does not have a organization, then eventually that requester does get added to an organization, we are seeing that those tickets do not get updated such that the organization_id matches what that requesters new organization is when querying those tickets via the api.  Is there a trigger that dictates if this cascade is made? 




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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Eli! For the tickets where you're seeing this issue, are they in a Closed status or are they still somewhere between New-Solved? I ask that because if the tickets are already closed, they will not be able to receive any updates. If this is happening for tickets that aren't Closed, let me know if you utilize multiple organizations for your end users and if so, does this happen to users who already belong to an organization?


The tickets being closed was the issue, thank you for your help!


I do have one more question Greg Katechis, for a ticket that is closed before the requester is assigned to an organization (therefore it will not have an organization id) will that be reflected should a user view that ticket within Zendesk?  That is if they look at the ticket, does it still show that the ticket does not have an organization?  


Did verify that with in zendesk the UI reflects the closed ticket in that the organization remains empty.  Everything all cleared up


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