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General state of disarray with Admin Center
Posted Dec 02, 2021
I'd like to voice my feedback and frustration with using your new Admin Center product. It feels very rushed and not well thought out. To be frank, admin settings are now a fragmented mess - some things can still be managed under the "cog" menu and some things require me to go to the new Admin Center. Why? It's simply confusing and just frustrating as I have to look at two places now instead of one.
Parag Pradhan
Hello Onur,
Thank you for voicing your thoughts about the changes to Admin Center. In the near future, settings will only be available in Admin Center. To ease the transition and avoid disruption, we preserved settings in Support for the time being. We’re sorry if this has caused any confusion. Have you tried the Recents and Search features in Admin Center? They can help you access settings faster. Thank you again for your feedback.
Peter Hochstrasser
Hi @...
Why don't you move this to the other feedback thread re. Admin Center,
What do you think about the new and improved Admin Center?
It is one more voice that is frustrated by the lack of structure and intuition when using the all-new great admin center.
Yours truly
Nicole Saunders
Hi Peter,
It's a bit delayed, but to respond to your comment here, Zendesk's Community platform doesn't allow for merging of posts. We weren't ignoring your suggestion, it's just not something we can actually do, unfortunately.