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Detailed information about posts, e.g. who voted directly within Zendesk

Not Planned

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Josef Prandstetter

Zendesk Luminary

Posted Dec 16, 2021

Feature Request Summary: 

Within Zendesk, there should be an easy way for Gather full agents to see who has voted - very similar to what is possible with similar solutions like Aha! as well as Uservoice.

Description/Use Cases: 

As a global software vendor, we want to use Zendesk Community feature (= Gather) to have customers and partners submit feature requests to us and then have all existing customers vote on their priority.
The responsible product owners have the urgent need to find out which customers/partners have voted for a certain feature without complicated API access, so that they can make their plans based on this.
Since on our Zendesk instance only logged in users are allowed to vote on feature requests (= posts) it should be easy to provide these details.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

We would like to use Zendesk as the only platform towards customers and partners.
Unfortunately, if Zendesk does not meet the minimum requirements for an Ideas platform, we need extra third party products like Aha! and Uservoice.
This means that the product owners in our company will remain free light agents and will not get a full Zendesk license, because they have to do their tasks in the above mentioned products.




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Orsolya Forster

Zendesk Product Manager

HI Josef Prandstetter,

Thanks a lot for your feedback, and I appreciate the examples. I understand why this information is valuable to you. 
We'll look into how we can include such information in the dataset, and I'll update this thread once it's on our roadmap.



Orsolya Forster +1 for this feature request. Is there any feedback from the Product Team?


+1! Any updates here?




Hi Team, 

+1 to upvote this feature request. 

Are there any updates from the product team so we can understand if this feature is being considered further?

Many thanks



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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hi everyone, we appreciate your continued engagement with this thread. I checked in with our product team  and wanted to confirm that while this feature is understood, they are not able to commit to prioritizing this feedback at the time. 
At this time we are going to close this post for comment and mark it as “Not Planned”. We have the information and interest needed should we never choose to prioritize this feedback in the future. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out our Community events and Zendesk Updates. Thank you again for your feedback and we appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.


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