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Team members - Display role

Posted Dec 20, 2021

Hey, it would be great if the agents role also is displayed in the view. 

our use case: cleaning up agents that as never logged in or along time since, and we want to move them to light agent (saving seats) then we need to click on and open every agent in a "tab" to see what roles it has, i know you can use the filter, but roles would be nice to see in the overview aswell. 






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Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for the feedback Geir Kallmyr. Displaying the role is one of the planned features before we switch the new Team members page to be the default way to manage your team.

Hannes Merisaari it sounds like a quick toggle that allows you to display and not display Light Agents in the list would be useful.


Tom Dupuche

Senior Product Manager, Team & License Management



This would be awesome feature for us as well. In our case practically everyone in the company are light agents, because we often need their internal contributions or we just want to provide them a read access to the ticket contents. However from the Support administration point of view, they are not agents at all but only viewers. For us "an agent" means only a paid seat.


We're in the same boat as Hannes, and agree that a toggle like that would be much used for us.  Thanks!


Plus +1 on being able to see role on the table in the Team Members page, and would also request adding bulk editing and sorting per column for such cases as mentioned in this post, to clean up inactive users:

  1. You filter down to see users who have not logged in for over 3 months.
  2. Sort by role (grouping the Light Agents together)
  3. Then just bulk select everyone who is not Light Agent role and switch them over to Light Agent in one go.

Extra: displaying other identifiers as columns would be very helpful for other types of clean-up or reporting. For example to report how many seats each team is taking up (for budgeting for example). I can imagine adding a Note in the User's profile, or creating Organization for different teams like: Support, Store, Product Team, Compliance, Legal, Management, etc etc. I can't use the Group count for this, since some agents are part of more than one Group. 

Edit: also allowing to export as CSV is always such a nice option.


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Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks everyone for the additional comments. I've noted them in our backlog.


Tom Dupuche

Senior Product Manager, Team & License Management



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