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Billing admin / Owner as light agent

Not Planned

Posted Jan 19, 2022

Feature Request Summary: 

 We should be able to set our billing admin and/or owner as a light agent.

Description/Use Cases: 

Our CEO is our billing admin and owner. They are the only one who can change the subscription and billing method, as they should. But other than that, they don't use Zendesk.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

We are paying an agent seat for a person who never actively uses Zendesk. 




Thanks NIkki!


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Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks Nikki, I'll add this one to our backlog for consideration.


Tom Dupuche

Product Manager




Agree this seems a bit short-sighted, basically either your encouraging me to share my credentials to be able to administer the system or i have pay for a license that i won't use? For a large org I'm sure the extra license is no problem, but for a small business getting started on zendesk it makes zendesk expensive.


A few things on this for me:

The Admin role really needs splitting as most companies have IT Support departments that are responsible for granting user access and general managing of permissions. We don't want them to have access to business rules, tickets or customer information by default. Yes, I know they could create a user to do all of those things, but it shouldn't be the default position of an admin.

Charging full agent price for users that don't use any Zendesk functionality is ridiculous. I want my IT Support team to do the above user admin but it would cost us £360 a month just to do that.

Having a single owner is also very bad practice. It leads to either shared credentials or having a single point of failure.


Our billing contact sits in the accounts department, so anything that allows them just to focus on that billing role would be ideal.


Upvotes here are a bit sad. Not sure Zendesk really thinks this is a material issue. But, to everyone's point above, Zendesk could benefit from this in the small to mid-sized segment of the business (you know, where paying for an extra seat DOES matter and it's not just a rounding error).

I have 2 Zendesk instances, potentially a third. And you can see how my seat (just for admin purposes) keeps adding up!


Any update here?  Our CEO is the owner and he will likely never sign into Zendesk.  That Agent status is completely wasted here and we could really use it for another team member.


Same use case as Ethen - CEO is the owner and just needs access to the admin, billing and no access needed to raise or action tickets, however, an additional unnecessary licence is required.


Hi Tom Dupuche,

More than 6mths ago you advised that this was added to the backlog, can you provide an update on when this is likely to come up for consideration?

I am very interested to know what future development will provide.

Development of Zendesk Accounts to be automatically provisioned with 1 "Management" Role Agent, restricted to Billing/Account Management functions that does not require a licence would be a favourable outcome. 

Including the provision of "Management" access to a restricted number of licenced agents, determined by Plan would also address the current key person business risk.



Hi Tom Dupuche/@...,

Following up on Rachel's post. It's been about 9 months since this was added to the backlog, and it seems to be a feature many Zendesk users would benefit from. Is there any update?





Adding my +1 as this is an issue for us as well.




+1 as this is affecting us as well. 


Please address this.  Admins who only do administrative tasks should not be counted as an agent account/license


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Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Zendesk Community,

I want to provide an update on this feature.

After careful consideration we have decided not to progress with this feature this year and instead invest in other product areas that have been much requested. For example, granular permissions, security and privacy features.

We appreciate the time spent providing this feedback and your engagement with the Community.

Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager


That's unfortunate, Zendesk.

Honestly, this feels like you don't want to give up revenue from all the admin users that have to take up a seat. You're just too used to it.




This is such a poor decision. We need to pay £79 extra per month for a user that only needs to access admin settings and does not utilise any of the other features. Very poor.

With the price increases over the last 12 months, migration of legacy features to chargeable, increase in technical issues and the rise in quality of competitive solutions, this has now prompted us to look elsewhere to assess alternatives.

We have recommended Zendesk to multiple clients and have probably provided 10-20 additional Zendesk customers through recommendations, with no financial benefit to us, purely because the product and service have been excellent. This is unlikely to continue as they have now priced themselves out of the small business market for under 5 users.

I suspect that Zendesk either do not want to lose the additional revenue this generates OR they have underestimated the significance of this.

There is no reason why a non-agent should be charged the same as an agent. VERY poor decision.


In addition to my previous comment - you are actually driving behaviour to a less secure setup. I have seen clients use an agent account as the admin account and share logins to get around this. If your solution drives poor security/privacy behaviour then something is wrong with the solution.


Jade Sorroll - I couldn't agree with you more. Zendesk is ignoring security risks and user demand in favour of charging for a non-active seat — exceptionally poor decision.


Please reconsider this, I do not want to have to close our account for this.


To add insult to injury Zendesk have just announced price increases that work out to a £20 per month increase per agent for us! Ridiculous.





I really hope you reconsider this decision. I was excited to get my team into Zendesk, but this kind of greedy business practice makes me reconsider any good faith. I will definitely be looking at other solutions.


This is beyond unreasonable. Many companies have their own accounts payable and approval to pay for a subscription is already provided when the yearly contract is signed. Now we have to pay for a seat just to have accounts payable added to the subscription even though they do not work in Zendesk day to day? What is the justification for not having a light agent/accounts payable granted, essentially, read-only access besides delegating your resources to other areas? 


I'm on an IT team that supports 4 businesses, each with its own zendesk instance which means to support those 4 instances I am paying US$2208 for seats per year. (1 x Support\Team and 3 x Support\Professional)
There should 100% be a light account for management and support for a Zendesk instance, since my role plays no part in processing tickets or interacting with customers.


+1 - having a light user would be very useful and appreciated. Also, I would like to see the ability to setup some kind of no-login ‘service account’ that doesn't consume and admin or agent seat. Simply for use with custom integrations making API requests, etc.


Good call Crunchy API !


We have a seat solely used for Jira integration. 


+1  Any update on this?


Yeah, it would be great to be able to reclaim my personal account so that I can change my name back! :-)


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