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Exporting Solved Tickets with Comments in Excel Format
Posted Feb 02, 2022
Zendesk is awesome but I would like to know, how can I get all solved tickets including comments in Excel Format ? We have searched all the whole platform but not succeeded. Please let us know the way so we can download all the solved tickets with comments.
Afabio Junior
You have a couple of options when performing a Full Data Export from your Zendesk account:
1. You can do a Full JSON or Full XML export by going to Admin > Manage > Reports. Choose the date range and type of export (tickets, users, organizations) for the Full JSON export and then click on the “Export” button. For the Full XML export, click on “request file” on the right side of the page. You will then receive an email providing a link to download your report. Source: Exporting data to a JSON, CSV, or XML file.
2. A second option would be to export your data via our API.
To export tickets in bulk, use the incremental ticket events (Incremental Ticket Event Export) API end-point with "comment_events" in side-load (Side-Loading).
Unfortunately, Zendesk doesn't have a native way to convert JSON files or XML files to Excel. I’m afraid you might need to use a third-party tool to convert the JSON/ XML file.
3. Also, you may check 3rd party apps that can do this at Zendesk Marketplace. I've found a 3rd party app like this Advanced Export and it seems like it would allow you to export as an Excel file.
I hope this helps,
Edwin Schukking
ad 3. To our own satisfaction, we have been using the 3rd party app to export ticket data.