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Need More Explore Live data filters
Posted Feb 02, 2022
The Live data only lets you filter on 5 different metrics. This is not even close to be enough for an MVP release. At the bare minimum we would need to separate out unassigned.
John Costello
We have added a new filter recently to our Live Messaging dataset there are plans to add more in the future and we will update this post when they become available.
CJ Johnson
I need at a bare minimum for "ticket form" to be an option for filtering, otherwise all live data is useless. I have many teams with very different work, a view of incoming tickets with no ability to discern what kind it is, unfortunately renders all Live Ticket data completely useless for us. There's literally no use case where its helpful as a result.
Besides form, ticket tags would be the most hotly needed filter for me to build reports with this that would be useful to my teams.
Being able to filter by many aspects of ticket and requester data would improve the functionality of the live dashboard. Should be able to filter by requester locale at a minimum.