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Adding Zendesk Invoice Status visibility

Posted Feb 16, 2022

Feature Request Summary: 

When viewing Account Invoices in Zendesk, as well as listing all the invoices (with their date, number, amount and due date) it would be helpful to add their status (paid, not yet due or overdue).

Description/Use Cases: 

When you have many invoices (eg each time you add a new agent licence) it can become hard to identify which have been paid and which have not. We just see a long list with due dates, but no idea which have been paid. Even downloading the invoice does not show this information and the Payments view does not show payment transactions. 

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

We went overdue (Zendesk failed to send a few invoices out) and now we get a nag screen and are unable to add new agents, restricting business. This could have been avoided if we could quickly see which invoices were overdue.


Other necessary information or resources:





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