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Does the metric "Internal comment" in Explore count Read Receipt?


Posted Feb 16, 2022


We would like to know if the metric "Internal Comments" in Explore is using Read Receipts for the count. 

We use the metric in one of our reports, and the Internal Comments are higher than what we believe our agents are using the internal note function. Since Read Receipts are shown in the same way as an internal comment, we wondered if they are counted by the metric.

To add additional info, end-user replies are coming in as public comments.


I found the following information, but I wasn't able to figure out if Read Receipts would be part of it. 

The number of internal comments on tickets. IF ([Comment present] = TRUE AND [Comment public] = FALSE) THEN [Update ID] ENDIF


Thanks in advance for the help!







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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Irene, the internal comments only count the actual number of comments, and not read receipts. Though do take note that this will also count internal comments created by the system and not only agent comments. You could try creating a calculated metric that will only count comments created by an agent, like this: 

IF ([Comment present] = TRUE AND [Comment public] = FALSE
AND [Updater role] = "Agent")
Hope this helps! 


Thanks for the reply & metric tip! 

I have tested it on our reports but the metric doesn't seem to work as expected and counts tickets that only have system-generated comments (such as read-receipts). It seems to be showing wrongly for the role "agent", but correct for the role "admin".

Happy to discuss this on a ticket and provide more details if needed.




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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Irene. 
Thanks for working on this with me. I will be creating a ticket for this that you can reply to so that we can work on this further. Cheers! 


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