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Some tickets don't show replies/updates immediately


Posted Feb 17, 2022

We have recently upgraded to Suite Growth and turned on Messaging with Answerbot.

For tickets that have been replied to after an initial response, we cant see the customer's reply unless we close the tab the tickets on, and re-open it and sometimes there is a delay.

For example, We had a messaging reply come through as only notification on the top right this morning and not in the cue. As you can see in this screenshot the customer had replied. However, when I click on that, it took me to a solved ticket and no reply that I could see from the customer. Our agent Gena had replied via email and solved the ticket but I could not see any of this for quite some time.


How can I be sure our team can see replies quickly to prevent duplicating work , and they appear in the cue and not on notifications?





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Prakruti Hindia

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Melanie, 

If the ticket are open as tabs in the window, the agents should be able to view in-product, browser and sound notifications when the customer responds. If the ticket is closed, notifications for new replies are visible under the bell icon. 

If you are still seeing issue with delayed replies, I will create a Support ticket for us to have a look. I will wait to hear from you. 

- Prakruti


Prakruti Hindia thank you for the response. However, this is occurring when the ticket window has not been left open. After we have marked the ticket pending, and are awaiting a reply, once the customer responds there can be a delay in our agent being able to see the actual text response from the customer. We will receive the notification, and or see the ticket move back to open status, but are not be able to see the text that the customer replied with. 

Can you please create a ticket for us?


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Melanie,

Thanks for the update! I've gone ahead and created a ticket on your behalf so our Customer Care team can dig into this further.
Someone from their team will follow up with you soon.


Hi - 

This issue with the messaging reply from our customer on ticket not always being visible is back. It seemed to get better for a while there but is 100% happening again.

Just as a re-cap, this is when a ticket is answered by us and marked as pending. Our agent closes the tab, and then the requestor replies and the ticket comes back into our view. When we click the ticket to view the reply from the requestor, it is not there. However its evident the requestor replied because the ticket has moved back to open status, is back in our view that only shows open or new and you can sometimes see part of the requestors reply in a preview, but the reply is not there once you fully open the ticket.

Any ideas what might have changed? 



We have several agents reporting the same issue as Melanie above. Is there a fix in place for this please?


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Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT - Support Team

I've gone ahead & created a ticket on your behalf so we can look into this further since we need to troubleshoot the matter. Please keep an eye out for our email!


Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana Please add us as a follower on whatever problem ticket that's created for this. We're also running into agents being unable to see the most recent message, even with a notification present.



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Brian, sorry but we cannot add you as a follower on a problem ticket. If you are also experiencing issues, you can submit a ticket to us directly or ask your Account Admin to raise a ticket with us so we can take a look. See Contacting Zendesk Customer Support. Thank you.


We also have agents reporting the same thing. 


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Tia, 
Looks like you have a ticket open with our Customer Care team related to this issue. They will continue working with you in that ticket to investigate this further.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention!


I have agents reporting the same issue, they get notified of an update, but when they navigate to the ticket the customer response is not visible


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Nacho Santana

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Blake,

Thanks for the update! I've gone ahead and created a ticket on your behalf, so we can dig into this further.


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