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Average Tickets Per Requested/Submitter
Posted Mar 17, 2022
I am trying to identify how many tickets on average there is per requester in any given day/week/month/year on Zendesk Explore in the Support dataset.
Is there a way to create this metric? Either with a formula to create the metric or with result metric calculation?
Dave Dyson
One way to do this would be to create a query using the Support: Tickets dataset. Add COUNT(Tickets) as your metric, Requester ID into Rows, a Filter on Date - Ticket Created for the time period you want to look at, and then go to Result Manipulations in the right-hand toolbar, select Totals, and then in the pop-up window, select Grand Totals on Rows, and AVG as your aggregator (or MED if you'd rather look at the median value instead of the average, since averages can be unduly influenced by outliers -- if you have one user who creates a thousand tickets, that might make your average higher than you'd expect).
Hope that helps!
Robin Dublon | SME Credit Ops Analyst | UK, London
Hi Dave,
I appreciate that, and thank you as that does provide a method of acquiring what I need, but the problem with this method is that the dataset gets too big to view in a report.
Is there any way to have this as a standard calculated metric built in ZD Explore? As I want to have a metric I can then split out by category of contact reason, as well as be able to do other deep dive analysis we may need on an average metric if possible?