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Transfer Case notes to KB article template

Posted Apr 01, 2022

I am really surprised that Zendesk just stopped developing anything KCS related for the knowledge base. Zendesk needs to comply with KM and KCS ( best practices. The knowledge app allows you to create an article from a case by selecting an article template, however, you have to copy and paste the Case notes (wrong behavior!). Let’s be really efficient and complete this INCOMPLETE feature:

  • Ability to create a KB article from a case, select the proper template, and transfer automatically the case notes without copy and pasting.




The old Ticket to Help Center app (which the Knowledge Capture app replaced) used to allow you to copy ticket comments to an article. We were able to use this in combination with ticket fields and a macro to somewhat replicate KCS best practices, but now we can't even do that without copying and pasting. We need to have a way to work on the article while we are updating the ticket. That is a really important part of KCS!


I did have an idea that Zendesk was able to transfer Case notes. Removing that ability from the users is not a good practice. It is removing the ability to enable the business to be more effective.


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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Antonio Maninha

Thank you for being a strong advocate for KCS-related features. My colleague Tetiana Gron who works with Knowledge in Agent Workspace and I are closely observing this space and taking notes for future roadmaps. 


Katarzyna Karpinska Tetiana Gron

Thank you for the reply.

When are we going to have progress in this field? Do we need to wait 10 years in order for these features to be in the roadmap?
Look at this feature request! It took 10 years!!! Why?

The data transfer was available at one point and you guys removed that functionality.

I worked with your development team on those KCS features about 7 or 8 years ago...

Having the ability to enable the transfer of Case notes to KB article creation is the #1 requirement from a KCS point of view. It also creates effectiveness for support agents enabling content creation in the customer context.

The transfer of case notes it's part of the very first and most basic process in the KCS Knowledge Management world - the Solve Loop and the Capture process.

Now that we have pictures and drawings I hope that that light turns on for the Zendesk Knowledge Product Manager and makes this a # 1 priority. You will gain a lot more customers too. I know quite a few people that went to a different solution because these features were not available.

You will also make a lot of customers very happy!

No need to say that enabling these features will make all the Knowledge Manager's lives a lot easier and a lot more productive and effective which will translate to super happy customers.

Thank you for looking into this!


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Tetiana Gron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Antonio Maninha!

Thank you for your feedback. I can assure you that we take into account KCS practices when we do features planning. 

There is an article request feature on our roadmap which supports reuse of knowledge. It will allow agents to submit a request for an article when they identify gaps in knowledge. The submission form will be in the knowledge section of the context panel and agents will be able to add text from the conversation without leaving the ticket view. I would be happy to hear your further feedback after we release the feature. 


Tetiana Gron

Thank you for the reply.

The article request feature is not part of the KCS process that way, I am confused...
Would you be so kind as to explain a bit more in detail what would be the process of that feature, what it would look like?

  • The support agent needs to create the article, not the Knowledge Manager, the support agent knows the product, and that is not necessarily the case with the Knowledge Manager.
  • The Knowledge article needs to be created in the customer context, right when the support agent is solving the problem and his solution is shared with everyone else.

Zendesk already had the feature before and "kind of" exists right now but it is severely incomplete.

See the screenshot?
There is a knowledge capture app but we have to copy and paste the resolution notes. That is the WRONG BEHAVIOUR!

It takes a huge amount of time from the support person and we need KPIs around it as well. We need to be able to link the article to the case, which Zendesk already does, and the ability to take advantage of the resolution notes and have them populate whatever article template the support agent uses to create the new KB article. I hope I make sense here.

Zendesk already had that feature before and you guys removed it! That is going backward, not forward in enabling KCS features.


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