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Sharing smartlists Easier
Posted Apr 08, 2022
Feature Request Summary:
Easily share EXISTING smartlists with team members instead of having to create a template from scratch each time.
Description/Use Cases:
Currently to share a smartlist, you need to create a template from scratch--this is a major hassle. We have existing smartlists that we create and save all the time but there is no way to share this.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
cannot share list of leads in a smart way.
Other necessary information or resources:
Hi Ryo Ogochi this post here might also be relevant to your needs
Katarzyna Kurzyńska - Madej
Hi Ryo Ogochi,
Thank you very much for your feedback. Sharing smart lists isn't one of the areas of focus for the current development cycle, but it could be considered in the future.
Could you tell me a bit about why/in what situations you need to share your smart lists with your teammates? I want to make sure that I understand your need correctly, without my assumptions getting in the way.
Ryo Ogochi
if i wanted my SDRs to go after a certain cohort of leads for example, I want to create a smartlist and share them. templates is completely inadequate because a) I need to start from scratch instead of working off of existing smartlist (waste of time), and b) my SDRs can change the template as they like and I have no idea. As a team we need to be looking at a same dataset. This is a minimal requirement.