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two independent Y axis


Posted Apr 19, 2022


I searched but could not find an answer (or I was not good at searching).

Here I have a chart where I wish to compare the average first reply time Vs the number of tickets received.


The issues are:
1) on the left of the graph I should have the Y values for "tickets submitted and on the right side of the graph I should have the Y values for "MED first reply time"
2) by doing step 1, in the graph the maximum height of "tickets submitted" (0 to 600 tickets) should be similar to the maximum height of "MED first reply time" (0 to 7500 minutes) since the two information are not related and two different value types.

Thank you for your support!





Seconding this question!



Looks like you might want to check out the "Dual Axis" option under the Metrics section of the left-hand menu in the query builder


Thank you Suzanne Reed for being smart :)
Indeed, that's the case. 

Seems Explore has many features and sometimes it is just a matter of understanding where to find for them!


+1 Vote for this case after reviewing with the support team. It would be great to actually be able to set independent axis for trends or be able to use it together with dual view.


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