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An error has occurred when trying to load tickets. Please check your configurations.

Posted Apr 29, 2022

Hello Zendesk,

I configured all the steps needed for a Salesforce Zendesk integration (Ticket View, and I went over and over it but I can not solve the error: An error has occurred when trying to load tickets. Please check your configurations. I reinstalled again, tried different profiles but I keep this message. Do you have suggestions?




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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Johan,
I've linked an article below which goes through troubleshooting known issues and limitations with Salesforce integrations. Please take a look through there and see if any of them apply to you:

How can I troubleshoot known issues with the Salesforce integration?

If you continue having trouble, feel free to let me know and we can look in to it in more detail.


Hello Tipene,

I Solved the issue: An error has occurred when trying to load tickets. Please check your configurations

On  At section: Setting up user access to Zendesk tickets in Salesforce bullet number 4. Under OAuth Policies, set Permitted Users to "Admin approved users are pre-authorized" and click Save. This is a required setting also needs to be a reference to IP Relaxation were: Enforce IP Restrictions, but release for refresh tokens needs to be selected (instead of Enforce IP Restrictions) when profiles in SF are restricted with Login IP Ranges.


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