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Don't Change Previous Note Content


Posted May 20, 2022

Feature Request Summary: 

Zendesk should not change information in past notes on tickets. This appears to be an issue specifically and only with Talk generated tickets.

Description/Use Cases: 

1. A user calls in to Support, they are not an authorized contact for their company. The agent redirects them to their internal Help Desk on the phone and sends the ticket to their authorized contact(s) to let them know a non-authorized contact reached out to Support.

2. An original caller is going to be away for an extended period of time (ex. honeymoon, sabbatical, maternity/paternity leave, etc.) and needs another user from their organization to take of the ticket.

3. An original caller is moving to another position in their company/retiring/has passed away and we are transferring the ticket to the person taking over their responsibilities.

- In each of these cases, Zendesk is changing the To caller field in the past call notes to whomever the current requester is, regardless of whether or not that person actually made that call or if that phone number is even associated with that profile.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

This is critical issue for our business as all of these are very common use cases.

The call should state who actually called and remain that way no matter what changes are made on the ticket in the future since that is the result of that call at the time that call was made. It makes it seem like people called in that did not call and that phone numbers that the call was made from are their numbers when they are someone elses entirely which causes misinformation.

We have never encountered another item that automatically changes past information when a requester is changed. Even on a non-Talk ticket, if I change the requester, it does not change that the original message came from the current requester, it stays the original requester. 

Talk tickets have lost this parity and are providing false information as a result. What is the point of being able to change the requester on the ticket if it updates information NOT from that requester elsewhere on the ticket? We lose that history and cause confusion. 

This issue is ONLY present in Talk generated tickets and does not parity with how the Support tickets currently function.





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Sean Chuang

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Sara,

Thank you for the detailed question. This is the type of question that requires investigation so please reach out to our Support team so they can troubleshoot your concerns. Based on my read, this does not sound like expected behaviour. 



@... I already reached out to Support and they said they escalated to Management and the Product team who said this was intentional functionality and that they only thing I could do besides escalating to our Account Manager was to put in a Feedback request. Please see closed ticket #10386510 in your system. I am getting the run around from Zendesk on this issue.


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Sean Chuang

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Sara, 

Thanks for the update and ticket number. We have taken a look and can confirm Advocacy's analysis. At this time, a request to change a feature's expected behavior will require additional analysis. We will put this on our backlog.



@... How are people supposed to track that request if you've marked this post as answered when it is no longer answered but in the backlog? Will you still be posting updates to this post?


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Sean Chuang

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Sara,

When we launch a new feature we post its release and related information in our announcements. The community forum is designed for us to get your feedback and add them to our backlog for consideration.



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Sara Ledger

Zendesk Luminary

@... - That is not how Zendesk has previously utilized, or continues to utilize the forum based on many other posts I follow and have seen updated in recent months. They get updated with no badge or planned or completed. Not as answered for a feature summary post. When did that behavior change? I have seen zero announcements about it and I follow announcements.


Hi everyone -
Chiming in here as part of the community team – I hear your frustration, and I want to own that we're not always consistent with our use of the Answered tag in our community posts (and sometimes the other tags as well). We do try to make sure that product feedback posts are marked as Planned when the product team is working on the feature, and Completed when it's rolled out, but there are probably places where we've missed those as well. There is a ton of product feedback in our community – which were truly grateful for (and thanks Sara for posting this one here) – but it can be challenging to keep up with.
Our product managers are committed to spending time in the community each week, reading posts and responding when they have something constructive to add. If the feature requested here were to make it on the roadmap, generally the product manager would add a comment and update the tag at the top from Answered to Planned, and would add another comment when it was released and update the tag again to Completed. On release, generally the feature would show in an article posted to either or both of our Announcements and Release notes help center sections, depending on the nature of the change – so we highly recommend following those two sections in our help center.
Thanks for listening, and for your feedback.


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