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Estimated date for Banning and IP Addresses in chat
Posted Jun 13, 2022
The ability to
- Ban users by email or IP while in live chat
- See the user's IP address while in live chat
Are fundamental to our agent's workflow.
Please share what the current sentiment from the Zendesk team is towards these points, and when we can expect to see something simillar implemented in the new workspaces live chat.
1 comment
Dave Dyson
We don't have a date for this but it is planned for the coming quarters -- see product manger Ayush Upadhyay's official answer here: ban visitors in agent workspace
Please do upvote that post and add your use care there as well. Thanks! In order to consolidate our product feedback and make it easier for our product team to gauge the need for given features, I'll be closing comments on this thread in favor of that pre-existing thread.