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Team Members Page - User Count
Posted Jul 05, 2022
In the old users you could see the total number of full agent license compared to current usage.
In the new team member page this is no longer displayed, once removed this isn't easily accessible. ( I have checked under subscription it tells me the total number i own, but does not tell me the total I use.) I haven't found a good place that doesn't require selecting all of the roles (We have many) that are full agent roles.
I recommend we either put that data back. Or give us a way to filter by full seat agent vs light agent for support (and not by selecting roles)
Dave Dyson
Tess French
Hi Meg,
The new Team Members page has now been released! It includes a "Seats remaining" panel in the top right that will hopefully make understanding seat use a bit clearer.
Thank you again for your feedback,
- Tess French