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Ticket status is not changed with submission of new comments


Posted Jul 08, 2022

We have experienced that adding public comments to a ticket in Zendesk and then trying to change the ticket status with it simultaneously, doesn't update the status but results in submitting the ticket with its previous status.

It causes users to receive multiple notifications since agents have to manually change the status again, after submitting their comments. 

Any possibility to change that?




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The Product Manager Whisperer - 2022Community Moderator

That's definitely not normal behavior. Have you looked at the events to see what's happening?


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Tanya,
Just echoing what Louis said and that's definitely not expected behavior. I would recommend checking the events of the ticket to see if there's a trigger that keeps firing and changing the status.
More information on checking ticket events here: Viewing all events of a ticket
Let us know if you continue to experience issues!


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