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Reporting does not find new TAg
Posted Aug 04, 2022
I created a trigger that when a group reassigns ticket to another group it creates a tag titled 'Slipstream_xfer' the problem is that when I now try to do a report for that tag the reporting does not find this new tag at all.
Anyone know how to resolve this problem? I need to track how many tickets are reassigned by this group. Wish Zendesk allowed triggers to internal comments so I could also put the agent who reassigned it, but not possible without access to the website to create a Web Hook so limited by what I can do.
have you checked if the trigger is firing correctly? because if it does then the tag will be visible for reporting otherwise that's the only issue I am seeing here.
Marvin Gage
Figured it out what a pain. the group has to take ownership but not only that they than have to press open or new.. than and only than can they transfer. What they were doing is grabbing from unassigned press take it.. so it's in there name.. see if they can work it if not than transfer. It is here it would not trigger.