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What Is “Better Help Center Design”?
Posted Aug 09, 2022
“Better” isn’t only about having a trendy color scheme and flashy fonts. Better design can actually be defined and measured. For example, Mozilla’s support site got a 233% improvement from their usability redesign.
Clear navigation
Being able to navigate to a solution quickly is paramount. The quicker customers find answers to their issues, the faster they’ll return to your product or service. So, work on clear navigation and improve the design and usability of your search function. Nothing is more frustrating than scrolling through an impossibly long list of articles or looking for a search bar that’s hard to notice.
Design to match the brand requirements
Okay, it’s a little about the color scheme. A help center isn’t just a faceless FAQ page. Usually, сlients will get there from the main website. So, the help center must align with your brand’s core design principles. Otherwise, a page that seems disconnected from the main business page can be frustrating for clients.
Structured and well-formatted content
The tutorial and advice you provide may be indispensable, but if it’s just presented as plain text without any attention to layout and readability, you risk your customers missing the point you’re trying to convey. There are various article formatting options to make a help center stand out, both visually and functionally.
You can find more about how to build a help center capable of reducing tickets in the white paper “Saving costs and support agents: a deep dive into self-service help centers” from Lotus Themes.
Well done! The white paper is great.
Ryan Wells
Is there a link to access this white paper?
Lotus Themes, Zendesk partner for Help Center design and customization
Hi Ryan Wells,
Thank you for your interest. For some reason, the link disappeared, and Community doesn't let us add it again (the post is pending approval).
Here is the link to the white paper.
Let us know if you need anything else.
Best regards,
Lotus Themes