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How to Separate Hours? - EXPLORE


Posted Aug 23, 2022

My company has different amounts that must be charged per hour worked.

For example:

a) work done between 8am and 6pm: hours costs X.

B) work done between 6pm and 8am: hours costs y.

I need a report where I will know how many hours were worked within my business hours and how many hours worked outside of business hours.

Please, Help me!!




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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Gustavo Luciano, this Explore recipe might help: Filtering reports by business hours. It shows you how to create a standard calculated attribute based on day of the week and hour, which you can then use to slice a report. You'd need to be able to report on the number of hours worked, though. One way to do that is to use the Time Tracking app.


Hi Erin O'Callaghan how are you?

This article you sent me didn't solve my problem, because it considers the ticket creation date.

For me it doesn't matter what date a ticket was created, I can work on a ticket created 2 months ago, for example.

I use Time Tracking to record hours, I need to have a day-to-day view of how many hours were worked within business hours and how many were worked outside, not considering the age of a ticket.

Do you have any idea?


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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Sorry, I should’ve explained my thinking more! I was suggesting that you could use a formula similar (but not identical) to the one in Filtering reports by business hours. So you might create a standard calculated attribute with this formula:

IF IN([Ticket updated - Hour],ARRAY("8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17"))
THEN "During business hours"
ELSE "Outside business hours"

That custom attribute looks at when a ticket was updated, and if the update timestamp is between 8AM and 6PM, the report returns “During business hours.” Conversely, if the timestamp is between 6PM and 8AM, the report returns “Outside business hours.” 

Then, assuming you use the Time Tracking app, you could create a simple report that uses the custom attribute above to slice the handling time reported by the Time Tracking app. (Each ticket update should have a timestamp and an associated update handling time.)

To create the report:

  1. Create a report in the Support - Updates history dataset.
  2. In the Metrics panel, add Update handling time (hrs). (This is a custom metric that needs to be created if you’re using the Time Tracking app. If you don’t see it in the metrics list, it means you haven’t created it yet. For instructions, see Time Tracking app: Metrics you need to be measuring.)
  3. In the Columns panel, add the custom attribute described above. 
  4. (Optional) Filter the report using the Ticket updated - Date attribute to narrow it down to whatever time period you wanted to look at (today, last week, etc.). 

Your report should look something like this:

Hope that helps!


Hi, Erin O'Callaghan.

How are you?

Your solution worked, thank you very much!!

I just need to apply a filter that only the hours worked in August are displayed (at the moment, the graph shows me the total hours recorded in the tickets)

Do you have any suggestion?



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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

I’m glad it worked for you! 

As for filtering the report, I see from your screenshot that you’re using the Update - Month attribute in the Rows panel. I’d recommend moving that attribute to the Filters panel (located just to the right of the Metrics panel), and then selecting it and setting the date range to This month (see the screenshot below for details on how to set that). When you do, the report will reflect only the hours worked for any updates made in August, not for all time.

Or, if you don't want the report's date range to be dynamic (i.e., if you don't want it to show the hours for September when September 1 rolls around), you can instead use a static date range. On the Date range panel (shown in the screenshot above), you can choose Custom and then set specific From and To dates.


Erin O'Callaghan, it worked perfectly, thank you very much!!

I have a question about the way the appointed hours are counted:

- Whereas During Business Hour is set from 8am to 6pm.

1) If I start working on a ticket at 5pm and finish at 7pm, will those 2 hours of work be noted in During Business Hours or Outside Business Hours?

2) If I work on a bussiness hour ticket and note hours worked only after 6pm, will those hours be identified as Outside Business Hours?

Regards from Brazil.



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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

I did some testing on this, and it appears the system uses the time when the agent started working on the update to determine whether the update falls inside or outside business hours.

So for your first question above, the system would consider your update (all 2 hours of it) to be during business hours because you started working on it at 5 (during business hours), even though you didn’t submit it until 7 (after business hours).

And for your second question, I think whether the system classified the update as during or outside business hours would depend on when you submitted your update and how much time you were submitting.


Thank you very much, Erin.
You helped me a lot!


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