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tickets by requestor
Posted Sep 21, 2022
reporting question: We are an internal helpdesk and management has requested a listing of top requesters. We would like to look at this primarily by month but also potentially by week as well as year.
Breakdown should include at minimum:
requester name
the ability to select the desired date range
number of unique tickets created by the requester during date range
ticket channel (We currently only use web, email, and SMS)
Ability to save core report and just edit date ranges moving forward
Open to recommendations on related information as I am still new to figuring out the available data.
Monthly (8/1/22 – 8/31/22) with ability to select date range
Requestor Name |
Ticket channel |
Tickets created |
Tickets closed |
Jim Smith |
5 |
4 |
Jim Smith |
Web |
2 |
2 |
Betty Jones |
4 |
4 |
Week (Monday – Sunday) with ability to select date range
Requestor Name |
Ticket channel |
Tickets created |
Tickets closed |
Jim Smith |
2 |
2 |
Jim Smith |
Web |
1 |
1 |
Betty Jones |
1 |
1 |
Beth Terry
You can do that in Explore. I'll keep it short, and if you want more information, just ask.
Set up a report with the Support Tickets Dataset. The Metrics will be Tickets Solved. Then just add a row with the Requester name (or email address or whatever you want). Save it.
Now add that report to a dashboard, and add a time filter. I like to set my time filter up as a drop-down, then I select Advanced and I can select X number of months/years/whatever in the past. You can then export it into Excel and do what you want with it.
Again, I kept it really short, but if you need screenshots or more information, let me know and I'll be happy to provide it.
Beth Terry
Hi Lou,
I have a good start with what you provided with a few edits so I could sort by ticket count. At this point I have:
Metrics: (Count) Tickets
Rows: Requester name
From there, I can select Sort at the bottom and select Value descending to get the order I need.
To select the date range, I selected Filters at the top and chose Ticket created-date, then selected the desired date range. You mention adding a dropdown for date selection. How/where would I do that in hopes of easily just selecting the report and changing the date range on demand as requested.
I am very new to creating reports so fumbling around a bit as I learn.
Beth Terry
You need to add the report to a dashboard. You do that by clicking on the down arrow next to Save and selecting "Add to Dashboard". You can then set the date filter there. Here's the VERY basic dashboard I set up:
Click on edit. Then click on Add>Time filter:
Once added, you can edit the filter:
Here are the settings I use: