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I want to modify an article.hbs template to include text at the top of the article body
Posted Sep 21, 2022
How do I do that in the code view? I've tried all the html code I can think of and none of it works. I can't find how to create a text block in the cookbook.
Anyone? I just need a line of text in all articles that use that page template.
Dave Dyson
A good place to add text in article_page.hbs for these purposes could be right above the article's title:
If you want to add some styling to make the text stand out, there's a good method here: How can I add a disclaimer to a Help Center article? It's describing how you'd add a callout to an individual article, but the same method could be applied to the article template in order to make the callout appear in every article. Hope that helps!
Sharon Burton
That was the piece I needed! I couldn't find it no matter how many search words I tried. Thank you!