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Identify tickets with attachments
Posted Sep 23, 2022
Is there anyway to identify tickets that include an attachment in a View in Zendesk Support?
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Posted Sep 23, 2022
Is there anyway to identify tickets that include an attachment in a View in Zendesk Support?
Brett Bowser
There's no way to only include tickets with attachments in a view. However you could use the search functionality to pull all tickets with an attachment. More information here: Searching for ticket attachments
I hope this helps!
Vegard Andersen
Hi Brett. Thanks. Yes, that can work as a work around. I also think there are some Apps we can use for this purpose.
Manuel Ninapaitan
Brett Bowser Good morning Brett and everybody, I have a suggestion, what about adding an additional column under “formatting options” when setting up a view? in this case the new column is Attachment, and the data displayed could be something like yes or no. This way at least we can identify what tickets have attachments and what tickets don't. I created this mockup based on one of current views. It is matter of creating one new column we can add when customizing a View.