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Explore Feedback: Ability to categorize dashboards
Posted Sep 23, 2022
Feature Request Summary:
It would be nice if we were able to categorize Dashboards, similar to the way triggers can be categorized.
Description/Use Cases:
Since we can only schedule an entire dashboard to be sent out, and not e.g. individual tabs of a dashboard, a lot of dashboards are created, for just the purpose of auto-delivery of reports to various people in an organization.
This leaves us with tons of dashboards, in one long list.
Being able to categorize these, filter them, or fix the schedule options, will make life a lot easier for the heavy instances with a lot of Explore usage.
This feature request is however for the categorization of Dashboards exclusively.
I'm imagining something similar to the way triggers can be categorized with custom categories.
The business impact of limitation or missing feature:
When having a long list of dashboards, it quickly becomes too hard to manage and find the exact dashboard you wish to edit.
Walter Bellante
Hi all,
thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us here.
I want to acknowledge that this feature request has been open for some time without a PM reply and I apologize that is the case! Looking to clarify some questions on this post and share where Zendesk is with this feature request.
While this feature is not on our roadmap for 2024, in the future we might look to provide a better way to organize dashboards similarly to what is provided with tags for reports.
At this time, we are going to close this post for comment as we have the information and use cases needed.
Thank you again for being valuable customers at Zendesk.
Cécile Gao
I upvoted this because it would indeed be very helpful to have a clearer view when one's account has lots of dashboards.
If this can help, as a workaround we started using emojis in the dashboard titles (you can just copy/paste them from an emoji bank online, or use Windows+";" keyboard shortcut), and then insert them before typing in the dashboard title). This actually helped us view "categories" of dashboards much faster.