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CSAT For Talk - Initiation upon end of call rather than ticket status
Posted Oct 24, 2022
We would like the ability to trigger the CSAT email/text after the end of a phone call.
Currently, the only option is to initiate based on the Ticket Status which is not ideal as it may be too early to send a CSAT upon Ticket being updated and too late upon Ticket resolution.
1 comment
Martin Holmes
Hi Ronit,
We do not have trigger functionality that can automatically send a CSAT email/text based on the call ending.
One way it can send a CSAT email or text is based on the ticket status changing. Many customers use the trigger condition:
Ticket Is "Updated"
Tag Is "CSAT_Text"
Then for trigger action:
Text User : Requester
From: "Phone number"
Body: Insert CSAT URL Link
Remove Tag : "CSAT_Text"
It's important to remove the tag that triggers the CSAT email/text as part of the Trigger action, so that if the conversation needs to continue on the ticket (or it gets reopened), then the end-user won't get another CSAT email/text.
Any further questions, please let me know.