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Explore help percentage of tickets that have been moved to a particular status over time
Posted Nov 02, 2022
Hello, I have two asks from my boss:
1) Show trend over time of number of unresolved tickets that are currently in ON- HOLD status. Measured minimum weekly.
2) Show trend over time of percentage of unresolved tickets that are currently in ON-HOLD status
Some quick background, when an agent determines a support request is a platform bug that needs to be fixed by the development team, the ticket is placed into a ON-HOLD status until it is resolved. We want to know how many support tickets get moved to a ON-HOLD status over time, so we can gauge how many tickets the support team is directly responsible for, and how many/how often tickets need a platform bug fix.
I have tried to create a backlog report to see the sum of tickets in an ON-HOLD status over time, but the data is not adding up, or I am reading it wrong. We currently have 93 tickets in a HOLD status, but my backlog report is only showing 28. How am I reading this wrong and is there a better way to build this report?
1 comment
Suelem Oliveira
I see that you created a ticket regarding this topic. I will reach out to you directly via the ticket.