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Combined linked article tickets and created article tickets in Explore


Posted Nov 07, 2022

Our Support agents are going to be expected to create new or link existing Guide articles on 80% of their solved tickets.  I can pull all kinds of counts out of the box in relation to created articles and linked articles, but am having issues combining them into one metric.


In looking at the logic, it makes sense to me that the following calculated metric would provide this information.

(( D_COUNT(Linked article tickets) + D_COUNT(Created article tickets)))/DCOUNT_VALUES([Ticket ID])


It doesn't seem to be working the way it seems to be as it should.


I'm hoping someone can help me figure out how to combine these as I'd prefer to keep them in one simple clean %. 


Thanks in advance!




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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Michael,
Have you tried adjusting the display format of the results. If DCOUNT_VALUES([Ticket ID]) returns a much higher value that the sum of the other two metrics, then the result of the calculation would not be a whole number, and this could be why the table displayed zero. Can you try adding decimal places for your metric '% Linked and Created Articles' via Chart configuration → Display format? Example:


Thanks Gab, I think I was doing a bit too much work on this one as the Agent Engagement metric should get us what we need.

  • Agent engagement: The percentage of tickets with Knowledge or Knowledge Capture app activity from the total number of tickets.


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