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Explore reports - Monthly number of resolved tickets per brand
Posted Nov 10, 2022
Hi everyone~!
I've set an explore report where I can see [All resolved tickets number per brand - Brand A].
However, the number shown there is not matched with the number shown in views(Brand A_KR & Brand A_EN).
Why could this be?
Any input would be appreciated so much~!
Anne Ronalter
This is very likely due to the fact, that Views do not include archived tickets.
Archived tickets are included in search results. You may notice a discrepancy between the number of ticket results shown in a view and the number shown in a ticket search with the same parameters.
More details can be found here:
Why are tickets missing from my views?
Another reason could be, that your Views and Reports have different filters.
Should this not answer your question, feel free to open a ticket with Support, so that we can investigate further.
I see. Thank you so much Anne for the comment!