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Article Links won't unfurl/preview in Slack

Posted Nov 28, 2022

Hoping if anyone has any advice. I've found that when sharing Zendesk Guide article links in Slack, irrespective of the brand or company, links will not unfurl / preview in Slack. EXCEPT for Zendesk's own Help Centre. 

Exploring the data in the head of the document doesn't show any extra data within Zendesks own Help Centre, so I'm a little lost as to why article links do no unfurl: 

Desired outcome: 
Example of other help centres links not unfurling (despite them all having Title, description and icon links in the document head): 

These links were all posted individually btw, I'm aware that Slack has it's own rules as to when it unfurls. But through testing, it appears Zendesks own HC works perfect every time, and any other Zendesk Guide based HC will not work. 




I’m seeing a version of the same problem: until a month or so ago, if someone posted a Zendesk support ticket URL into my employer’s Slack instance, the header of the support ticket would be unfurled, and we’d get a preview of the ticket right in Slack, which was great for seeing at a glance what the ticket was about, who it came from, etc. This stopped working for us in April, and after a bunch of back & forth with tech support folks at both Slack & Zendesk, it seems like the problem is that Slack deprecated an API that Zendesk was relying on, and the existing mechanism to do the link unfurling is now non-functional. It would be great to get this back, as it was a huge time saver. 


Folks at my company are also asking why our help center won't show link previews in Slack. :( Would be helpful to know if Zendesk was doing anything about this.


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