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Feature Request: Add “Revisions” to Explore Dashboard Builders

Posted Dec 19, 2022

Explore would benefit greatly from the option to see revisions of dashboards and revert to earlier versions, a feature that is currently available on Zendesk Guide.

When building and editing dashboards in Zendesk Explore, there is currently no option to review what changes were made to the dashboards while editing at any point throughout the dashboard’s history. So, there is no way to check if any changes were made accidentally (e.g. a static widget unknowingly deleted by accident) and revert to an earlier version. Especially when the “unpublished changes in editor” message appears on the top pane but there is no ability to see what those changes may be.

Zendesk Guide has an amazing Revisions feature that allows you to see what changes were made to articles and during which particular edit the changes were made, and the ability to revert to any previous version. Guide’s Revisions feature would make a fantastic addition to Explore to fill this need and it would be a great asset to have access to this feature when building dashboards!




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