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Zendesk App Tools (zat) 'multipart/post' error
Posted Jan 25, 2023
I'm developing a Zendesk App on my Windows 10 machine using WSL/Ubuntu to run zat.
It's been working fine for six months or so. I'm guessing a new years update blew it up. Anytime I run a zat command now I'm seeing the following error. I tried uninstalling/installing the gem with no change. Has anyone seen this issue and know how to resolve?
Top level ::CompositeIO is deprecated, require 'multipart/post' and use `Multipart::Post::CompositeReadIO` instead!
Top level ::Parts is deprecated, require 'multipart/post' and use `Multipart::Post::Parts` instead!
/home/cmiceli/.rbenv/versions/2.6.9/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/faraday-0.17.5/lib/faraday/upload_io.rb:65: warning: constant ::UploadIO is deprecated
/home/cmiceli/.rbenv/versions/2.6.9/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/faraday-0.17.5/lib/faraday/upload_io.rb:66: warning: constant ::Parts is deprecated
Greg Katechis
Hi Chris! Have you run `gem update zendesk_apps_tools` to see if the issue persists?
Chris Miceli
Hi Greg,
Yes, I tried the update first and then a uninstall/install. Still seeing the error.
Chris Miceli
Hi Greg,
Follow up: this morning my zat commands are working, possibly due to this issue being resolved:
I am still seeing the above error however. Here's what I'm seeing after running zat server. (I'm echoing in the manifest file prompts: