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First reply time tracking


Posted Mar 10, 2023

Good day. 

I have a question. 

The situation is like this. 

  1. an end-user creates a ticket,
  2. Agent 1 replies within 25 seconds (so FRT goes to Agent 1) 
  3. Agent 1 puts the ticket to 'On-hold' status
  4. Agent 2 replies to the ticket and solves it 
  5. the ticket is assigned to the Agent 2

Then I create a report and I see that FRT metric is reflected to the Agent 2, rather than Agent 1. 


First reply time – 25 sec
Assignee – Agent 2

And I assume that Agent 2 has replied to the ticket within 25 secs and it is not true. 

Does anyone has an idea how to separate FRT so that I could see in a Report the actual list of agents performed on the FRT metric and not the ones who solved the ticket?




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Gabriel Manlapig

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Ulugbek,
Currently, it's not possible to pull up the name of the user who posted the reply from which the ticket metric First reply time was calculated using the default attributes under the Tickets dataset. If you know your way around custom metrics and attributes, then you may be able to formulate a custom query to pull this info using the Updates History dataset. 
You may explore the earliest date functions, specifically DATE_FIRST_FIX – you can check out the sample here to see how these function work in Explore.
Also, I have found similar use case and was posted in this article comment section here.
I hope this helps. Thank you!


Thank you. 


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