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Have Separate Signature for Side Conversations & Public Ticket Responses
Posted Apr 11, 2023
We use markdown commands in our agents signatures.
We rely heavily on the markdown commands in public ticket responses to promote several links in a presentable manner as part of the signature.
We just started setting up "Side Conversations", and we realized it brings in the signatures from our agents, but it does not recognize the markdown; This makes the signature look horrible with the markdown command all visible.
I'm okay with the "Side Conversation" responses not having any formatting, but we really need the public ticket responses to have it.
We did not want our agents to rely on macros every time to place a signature.
Well...I think I figured out a good workaround that can give me both.
The quick Answer: Use placeholders to make your public ticket response signatures show the agent "notes" from the agent's profile, and use the "signature" section from your agent's profile only for "side conversations".
This only works if you don't use the notes section in your agent's profile, you may be able to use the "Details" section in the same way though.
First, I inserted the signature information with the markdown commands into the "Notes" Section of the agent's profile.
In the agent interface menu option, the signature section is using a placeholder {{agent.signature}}, I changed the placeholder in the "Signature" box in the agent interface setting to instead use {{agent.notes}} for public response signatures.
I tested it, and "Side Conversations" does not use the agent interface signature box to determine what content to use, it just directly pulls from the "signature" section in the agent's profile
so now, change the "signature" in the agent's profile to whatever signature you want, and this is what "side conversations" will use when sending an email. Markdown will not work off course, we just want this for the side conversations.
Now you can have two signatures, one for side conversations and one for public ticket responses, and still use the markdown commands for public ticket responses.