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Add Content Tags Sideload
Posted Apr 14, 2023
Feature Request Summary:
For the post and article endpoints to include a sideload for the content_tags.
Description/Use Cases:
When calling the API to access the data associated with a post and article, the content_tag_ids are returned, but a second call is required to get the names of the content_tags via the content_tag endpoint.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
It utilizes a second call to the API to get the names of the content_tags, when it would be beneficial to utilize the same API call like we can do with posts to include the topics and/or authors (users) associated with them or with articles to include the sections, categories, and/or authors (users). Additionally, end users cannot access the content_tags endpoint, so this makes it impossible to cross-reference the content_tag_id names using a get without headers.