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Can I override view controller title when requesting UI?
Posted May 02, 2023
I'm on version 5.3 of the iOS SDK. I'd like to set my own title when pushing Zendesk UI onto my navigation controller, but when I try to update the title of the view controller returned by RequestUi, it is immediately overridden by code within the ZendeskSDK. Is this controllable by developers?
let vc = RequestUi.buildRequestList(with:)
vc.title = "My Custom Title"
let vc = RequestUi.buildRequestUi(with:)
navigationController.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
vc.title = "My Custom Title"
navigationController.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
Setting the title in either of these manners doesn't persist it on the view controller that is pushed
Christopher Kennedy
You can override existing strings by setting the custom value for the string in your project's Localizable.strings file.
Brandon Hawker
Thank you Christopher. Is there a method to dynamically set these strings in code based on certain conditions?
For example, depending on how the user enters ticket creation in the app, I might want different titles.
Christopher Kennedy
Brandon Hawker
Bummer. Thanks, you can close this ticket.