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Ticket tags attribute in a report
Posted May 05, 2023
I made a report to get a list of emails and ticket IDs that have given us a good satisfaction rating, and I want to exclude all tickets that have the tag "XYZ".
However, as soon as I add the attribute "Ticket Tag" the emails get duplicated and I get the same email address several times. The problem continues if I select exclude "XYZ".
I have tried changing the metric "Good Initial Satisfaction" to DCOUNT so that I only see each result once, but that doesn't make any difference.
Any idea of how I can get around this so that each email only shows once when I use the tag attribute? And to make the exclude "XYZ" option work?
David Stalker
Hey Irene,
Filtering by tags is funky in Explore and doesn't work how I (or you) would expect it to. The way I get around this issue is to create a Custom Attribute which I then add as a filter to include/exclude tickets with a particular tag.
So, in your case, I would create an attribute something like this:
Then you can add the attribute to the filters at the top of your report, click on it and click on "NULL" (if you have the "Selected" button highlighted) or click on "Has XYZ tag" (if you have the "Excluded" button highlighted). Either option should get you where you want to be.
Gabriel Manlapig
To exclude tickets with specific tags from your reports, create a standard calculated metric that accounts for tickets with or without those tags, or create a standard calculated attribute to use as a filter.
For detailed instructions, see the article: Reporting with tags.
I hope that helps!
Thank you so much for the help and the clear instructions David Stalker! Your solution did exactly what I needed.
David Stalker
Glad it helped, Irene! Good luck!