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GUI in Automations

Posted May 08, 2023

When is automations going to be updated to the "new GUI" that triggers have? By this I am mainly talking about the lack of "type to search" function when choosing/finding what conditions you want to apply. We have a lot of ticket fields, and it's very hard to find them when you have no ability to search in the list (browser search does not work either).




I feel your pain. We too have many (too many) ticket fields! However, I've found that, actually, you CAN "type to search" . Only thing is, after you've clicked the dropdown, you must prefix the ticket field name you are typing with "ticket: " (which is how they are listed in the dropdown) and you have to type relatively fast. 

That said, I support your suggestion to use out the improved UI also in Automations.


Thank for letting me know of the workaround, Daniël Nieuwendijk


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