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Create Satisfaction Rating is not Authorised for end user

Posted Jun 29, 2023

I'm getting exception when creating a Satisfaction rating via API using end-user creadentials.

{"error": "Couldn't authenticate you"}

I have enabled the CSAT (Customer satisfation) in zendesk admin as well. 

curl --location '' \

--header 'Accept: application/json' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--header 'Authorization: Basic Z293dGhhbS5zMUBiZXR0ZXJwbGFjZS5jby5pbjpwYXNzd29yZA==' \

--header 'Cookie: __cfruid=cd69c3855a62c000edc6d994b776317944277aa0-1688037699; _zendesk_cookie=BAhJIhl7ImRldmljZV90b2tlbnMiOnt9fQY6BkVU--459ed01949a36415c1716b5711271c3d08918307' \

--data '{"satisfaction_rating": {"score": "good", "comment": "Awesome support."}}'





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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Gowtham,
Is your test user verified?  Also is your Help Center activated and accessible to end-users?  Just a quick note: I recommend changing this user's credentials since they were shared publicly in this post.


Yeah its a verified user and i have enabled the CSAT as well in the admin settings. I tried with agent credentials also, but help Center is not activated for End User.



Seems like "end user" Basic authentication is not authenticated to edit or modify the tickets via api. i tired editing the ticket it also returns the same response. Will there be any setting to allow the end user to access the api's via Basic Auth ? If i try editing via agent token it is working fine. 


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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Gowtham,
I've created a ticket to work with you in greater detail on this.


Hi Christopher,
I can able to create the rating via api's, seems like agent is not allowed to rate the ticket. I tried with agent credentials (earlier) and the ticket should be on solved status. So this might be misunderstanding from my end. I tried after few days by solving a ticket with end-user credentials. it works fine now.


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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Gowtham,
That's correct.  These are the conditions necessary for allowing a successful rating.  I'm glad to hear everything is working for you.


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