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How has Communities/Gather helped your clients and provided value?
Posted Jul 25, 2023
This is sort of a broad question, but we have Gather as an available feature to enable, but are really wanting to ensure that it gets used appropriately and is well adopted. I was just curious, especially others that are b2b, how has Gather helped your clients and what value you have recognized from setting up a community for your clients to interact with one another? I'd love to hear some success stories to help justify potentially enabling it for own clients!
Brandon Tidd
Hey Jake Warren -
Welcome to the Zendesk Community! While I don't have any personal anecdotes to share, @... posted this really great best practices guide earlier this year. I also know the fine folks at Khan Academy have a pretty robust and public facing community (linked here), as well as InVision (linked here) and JetBrains (linked here).
Obviously, it goes without saying that this very forum is powered by Gather! Maggie Ungerboeck - anything to add here? I noticed you interacted with a similar question a couple of years back. At the end of the day, more opportunities for you to a) interact with your customers and b) solicit their feedback will almost always result in 'stickier' customers and more brand loyalty. That being said, it is important to moderate the conversation to keep everything 'on brand.'
Hope this helps!
Ifra Saqlain
Hello Jake Warren,
Community is a support for the customers.
I did work on some big projects of big clients (I can't tell their name here cause of the privacy policy) and all of them put a lot of emphasis on Gather so that if their customers are facing any issue, they click on Support link, go to the community, read the Pinned articles about the products, if they face any issue they create tickets to the support team to get help, they give feedback about products in the community and they can easily communicate with other customers about the company's products to buy or not.
We can pin some post here about our products and instructions to use the product (Software Products). If we have online store then customers can get account related details, order related details, payment related details etc. in community forum.
In the community, there are lots of customers who have taken help, they share the solution with us whenever new customers buy the same product.
As you can see we are sharing our thoughts in a Community :)
Hope this will help you to get idea about community forum!
Thank You