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Add most recent comment to Ticket Object


Posted Aug 21, 2023

I am looking to have the most recent comment sent/received on a ticket added to the ticket object so it can be accessed by the Gainsight connector.

The process would be: Add new Field to Ticket object = "Latest Comment"

1. When a new comment is saved (inbound or outbound)

2. The comment is updated on the ticket object into the field "Latest Comment"

Is this possible without using the API?




Hi Stephen


This is possible, yes. Take a look at Exalate, it would be perfect for a use-case like this. It is an integration solution wich a robust user interface where you can have scripting capabilities. You can add the latest comment to a field with it. I have been using it for quite a while and it instantly jumped in my thoughts reading this post. Hope to have helped you


Thank you Mathieu. So it is possible with a 3rd party tool but not natively in Zendesk


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