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Why obscure article settings?

Posted Sep 06, 2023

It appears that the editor experience in Zendesk guide has changed without any notice. Previously, all settings were accessible from the same right-hand pane. We could choose audience, promotion status, labels, and attachments from the same pane we saved and published from. Now there's an extraneous click added to the workflow by having to select Article settings at the bottom. 

Can this change be reverted, or can we restore the experience through a Guide setting? Are there release notes, announcements, or other warnings for these types of changes?




Slightly related - I would love to be able to collapse that right-side pane. It would really help when having two windows open side by side. I have to zoom out on the article editor to be able to see everything. Is there a way perhaps?


Are there release notes, announcements, or other warnings for these types of changes? +1


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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Stacey Krantz

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