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Embed Dashboard Graphs/Charts Into External Documents
Posted Sep 21, 2023
Hi Zendesk Community,
We are interested in seeing if it's possible to embed active charts/graphs from a Zendesk Dashboard into an external document like Google Docs, Microsoft Word etc.
e.g. we have a client health check document where it would be great to embed client specific graphs and charts linked to a dashboard.
Does anyone know of doing this natively in Zendesk or any external apps that may be able to make this happen?
1 comment
Embedding an active chart externally is currently not feasible. However, you might consider creating a custom dashboard tailored for the specific reports you intend to share. By generating a public link for this custom dashboard, individuals outside of Zendesk can access the information they need. Please note that this feature is available for the Enterprise plan 😊 I trust this information is helpful!