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Feature Request: Add/Remove block article attachments for agent with edit permissions
Posted Sep 28, 2023
Our company policy is to separate editors and publishers.
The editor/publisher create/publish new articles and edit/publish articles.
And we add updated data to new attachments in many articles.
However, in articles that we have already published, the editor can't update/delete the attachment.
It is strange that inline attachments can be uploaded/deleted, but not block attachments.
Please consider to allow editors to upload/delete block attachments.
Shawna James
For future reference, I want to point you in the direction of our product feedback template which has been designed by community members and PM's to help users provide as detailed feedback as possible so that our teams can understand and highlight the most important aspects of your product feature request. If you are able, we would greatly appreciate this post being updated to reflect the updated template to better understand your needs!
For others who may be interested in this feature request, please show your support by upvoting the post or adding your specific use case in the comments. Thank you again for taking the time to provide us with your feedback!
唐沢 雄大
Shawna James
Hi Shawna. Thank you for your reply.
Our desired features are listed below along with a template for feedback.
Overview of feature request and and those affected by this issue.
We would like agent with edit permissions to be able to do the same with existing published articles as they do with new unpublished articles. This feature currently affects our company agents. Agents with editing permissions need to update files attached to an existing article, but they cannot click on "Article settings" to update the attachment.
What problem do we see this solving?
Our company policy requires us to completely separate edit permissions and publish permissions. This is because we have separate roles for the agent in editor and the administrator. Currently, agents with publish permissions are updating attachments, which is not in accordance with our company policy. This feature would allow us to completely separate the roles of edit permissions and publish permissions.
When was the last time we were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact our business?
This problem occurs on a daily basis. Because we already have a huge amount of published articles, and agents with publish permissions are still having to update attachments to those articles, which is a lot of unnecessary work.
Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem?
What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function?
Agents with edit permissions would be able to click on "Article settings" and update attachments.

Ideally, an agent with edit permissions would be able to do the same for new unpublished article and for existing published article. (As shown in the figure.)
Shawna James
Thank you very much! This is extremely helpful, we appreciate you taking the time. Cheers!
唐沢 雄大
Shawna James
Any updates to this?
Lack of appropriate permissions has complicated the workflow and raised the burden on approvers.